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The Sunlight of the Spirit - God centered AA Coins

SOS AA coin
We came to Alcoholics Anonymous to stop drinking and found a new way of life! We have found an AA medallion that embodies some of the fundamental principles that are vital to our Recovery and are so proud to offer it here. The SOS AA coin is a meaningful token with a little more meaning. We live one day at a time seeking daily to walk in the Sunlight of the Spirit and the Sun on this AA coin represents this. Our SOS coin Triangle is made up of the essentials Willingness, Honesty and Open Mindedness as reminders of these and AA's three Legacies Unity, Service and Recovery. The back of the SOS coin has God in the center along with the Serenity Prayer reminding us to keep God at the center of our lives and not self. You'll also notice that the word "GOD" is all caps because it's that important and for those of you who choose "Good Orderly Direction" as a Higher Power. "GOD" is also at the center of the sun reaching out with it's rays and on the newer versions of this coin there are 12 rays of hope representing the 12 steps that bring us to this vital Spiritual experience. We sincerely hope that you will find these SOS AA medallions as meaningful as we do. We think you will each be able to find more specific meaning because these AA coins really say so much.

The AA gift tradition of chips,coins, tokens or medallions for birthdays/anniversaries varies in different parts of the country.

There is evidence that early on many people in AA carried personal mementos....Sobriety coins, to remind themselves of the importance of their sobriety. Clarence H. Snyder - "The Home Brewmeister had his last drink on February 11, 1938 and he carried this medallion made from a silver dollar and a watch fob up until just before his death on March 22, 1984. It has been dated back into the mid-1940's, if not before, and the holes represent 46 years of sobriety. Clarence started AA group #3 in Cleveland in 1939, and in the beginning had a higher recovery rate than Bill and Dr. Bob combined. His story, "Home Brewmeister", can be found on page 297 of the Big Book.


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Sunlight AA coin


Sunlight of the Spirit/God Centered AA Tokens with 12 ray sun

Available in Bronze, Nickel plated, Gold plated, Bi-plated and Tri plated

Light in the Dark-Daily Reprieve 24 Hour SOS AA Coin
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